MySQL word count function: 2 ways

A custom MySQL function (User Defined Function, a.k.a. UDF) that you can use to count the number of words in a text string. Also, a faster but less accurate way to make it more performant.

Code first; text later #

Don't forget to use the delimiter before and after the function (if you simply copy & paste my example, you should be fine).

            RETURNS INT
            NO SQL
         DECLARE wordCnt, idx, maxIdx INT DEFAULT 0;
         DECLARE currChar, prevChar BOOL DEFAULT 0;
         SET maxIdx=CHAR_LENGTH(str);
         WHILE idx < maxIdx DO
             SET currChar=SUBSTRING(str, idx, 1) RLIKE '[[:alnum:]]' OR SUBSTRING(str, idx, 1) RLIKE "'";
             IF NOT prevChar AND currChar THEN
                 SET wordCnt=wordCnt+1;
             END IF;
             SET prevChar=currChar;
             SET idx=idx+1;
         END WHILE;
         RETURN wordCnt;

How to use it? The UDF #

  1. 1.

    First, you need to execute the function provided as a query (in PhpMyAdmin, Sequel Pro, whatever you prefer). This creates the function called 'wordcount';

  2. 2.

    Next, use the function as a wrapper around a string. The returning result is the amount of words in that string. For example if you have a table called 'keywords' and within a field called 'Query', use: UPDATE `keywords` SET `num_words` = wordcount(`Query`);

That's it.

I stole this beautiful snippet from stackoverflow.

Alternative: make it faster #

A faster, but less accurate way is to count the number of spaces, and divide by that (this does not take abbreviations into account, for example):

    ROUND (   
            CHAR_LENGTH(content) - CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE (content, " ", "")) 
        / CHAR_LENGTH(" ")        
    ) AS count    
FROM documents

Use the one that suits you best!

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