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Content quality

Ambitious, self-driving teams of agile corporations excel at creating awesome new things.

But that actually is a problem.

Because the boring, old, hugely important, content needs to be updated too.


What: Structural and measurable content improvement
Why: Trust. Quality. Conversions. SEO.
How: Automatic 'content problems' finder
Pricing: Setup: € 4979, Subscription: p/m € 797

A psychological mechanism that leads to better content and satisfied visitors #

In 2024, content quality has become more important: much more important. Why? Because of the sudden widespread adoption of AI tools like ChatGPT, it has become much cheaper to produce content.

This automatically means that the value of 'ordinary' content is declining.

High-value content has become a minimum requirement. In fact, it's a requirement to make content distinctive at all. Making 'SEO content' is no longer about quantity but about quality. Simply answering a search query is no longer sufficient; everyone is doing that now.

We've made something useful #

Namely: a method, a process, along with corresponding tools, to identify on a website those pieces of content that are not clear, cause confusion, and go unnoticed, but are responsible for most issues.

This is particularly important for websites with a lot of existing content. The question is not: 'what content should we create,' but: 'which content is performing well, and which should we improve.' And why? With what priority?

Data and psychology #

Our tooling and procedure consists of two parts: data and psychology.

  1. 1.

    Data: with data, we show where content problems lie, and which are larger than others. With data, we show the progress of activities. And, over time, we also show what it has all yielded.

  2. 2.

    Healthy competition: we demonstrate the size and development of those content problems per team with numbers. With these numbers, you can go out internally: 'with this team, we have achieved success x: you want that too, right?

How it works #

Our tool doesn't automagically determine the solution needed for identified problems. That's too complex; it could be an organizational issue, a technical one, or just a small mistake.

However, human insight - and usually also coordination among team members - is required for that. We will handle that ourselves.

What the tool does though, is to indicate precisely:

  1. 1.

    Which questions people ask

  2. 2.

    Wether they find the answer, to what extent, and how

  3. 3.

    We measure that

  4. 4.

    And we translate it into a hands-on work package

  5. 5.

    Including progress reporting

Example work package #

The 'work package' is a visual overview, a list of identified problems, categorized by severity (ranging from very severe to mild) and the number of times that problem occurred. It is then grouped by responsibility and sorted by priority:

The work package

Config: the mappings table #

There are multiple ways to configure monitoring, but the most important screen houses the 'mapping' table: an overview of search terms people have actually used. We map those to URLs we think houses the best answer to people's queries.


Example Progress Report #

The progress report is deliberately simple. A target, a line indicating whether the target has been met:

Score & target Line graph and target. Line reaches target line

From the moment the target has been achieved, you can switch from proactive to reactive, or, of course, set a new target!

What does "achieving the target" mean?

It means that a fundamental condition has been met, which is that people actually end up in the right place when they search for something. It used to be only 30%, but now it's 90%.

This difference will also be clearly noticeable in other measurements, such as conversion rates.

Especially suitable for ... #

  • -

    Large websites that have grown historically with a lot of content scattered throughout various parts and corners of the site.

  • -

    Large websites with a search function and/or chatbot.

  • -

    Websites where old content can be modified (this service is therefore not suitable for news websites).

So, especially websites that have too much content to have an immediate overview, and where different teams manage their own parts of the site.

Planning #

  • -

    Setup (ca. 4 months): We start with setting up the tool for your particular use-case. We also make sure that you are able to and confident in using it.

  • -

    Execution (as long as necessary): Daarna zijn er verschillende manieren waarop we aan de slag kunnen: geheel geleid door ons, of juist geheel op eigen initiatief, of een mengvorm (duur: zolang als u wilt)

We begin with a more intensive collaboration, gradually shifting more of the execution to your side. This is actually the ultimate goal.

Pricing #

Product & setup #

To get to know your website and market, to collect the needed data, and to tune the product specifically for your wishes, we charge a one-time setup fee.

Content Quality - Setup

€ 4797

Subscription fee #

For continuous usage of the product we use a subscription-based monthly or yearly fee.

Tip: if you use the yearly subscription, you receive two months for free!


€ 17970

-€ 3594


€ 1797

Support #

We always offer fair use support for any product.

But if needed, you can also call upon extra support. Pricing is simple: three wages, depending on the amount of hours required (during 12 months).

Of course, only the hours that are actually 'used' will be invoiced.

Tier S: 12-60

€ 137

Tier M: 60-120

€ 117


Tier L: 120+

€ 107

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